Friday, July 14, 2017

Week 6

Week 6

This week I found an article about ELL graduation rates that really caught my attention. Trying to develop literacy skills such as cultural context, expression, and figurative speech, are very difficult for English Language Learners, causing these students to usually stay in special programs for at least 3 years. Although these programs are helping students graduate, the students that stay in these programs are not going to college as frequently as their peers who leave the program before graduation. This study was conducted in Oregon, and one of the findings I found most surprising was that the percentage of current EL students set to graduate high school is only 67% as opposed to 82% of former EL students. Only 39% of current English Learners who graduate high school go to college in comparison to former EL students which is 49%.

Although this study took place in Oregon it is probably reflective of many states and I find the statistics to be quite alarming. Even though former EL students have a higher rate of graduating and going to college the percentages are still very low. I am fully aware that every state is different and programs for ELL students may vary, however, there are national standards that all states must follow and it is unacceptable that so many ELL students are falling behind. Perhaps with advancements in technology, and schools advocating for different ways to facilitate the English learning process through technology, we will hopefully see higher graduation rates in the future. Unfortunately, there are many other variables involved other than just learning the language as the reason for these students to go into college. A high percentage of EL students come from underprivileged areas as well or homes where only their native language is spoken. I realize there is no easy solution to this problem, but more focus should be drawn on this issue and I hope the wave of technology in education improves EL student’s chances for success. It also makes me wonder why more programs aren’t in place in colleges to help students that are still learning English. It seems like a lot of students with great potential are not being recognized merely because of a language barrier. With the tuition rates being as high as they are there needs to be more money allocated towards providing EL students with the services they need.

"English Learners Graduating from High School, but Not Going to College like Peers." Statesman Journal. Web. 14 July 2017.

Week 6

Week 6 Article: English learners graduating high school, but not going to college like peers This week I found an article about ELL gr...